Report a personal data breach

  • Please use this form to notify a personal data breach to IMY. If you are not able to answer all the questions at this stage, you may provide supplementary information later on but it is important that we receive the information without undue delay. Fields marked with an asterisk (*) must be filled in before submitting the application.

    When you have filled in the form, press "send". We will confirm that we have received your notification and you will then be able to download a copy of it.

  • Please enter the name of the controller where the data breach occurred.
  • Please enter the corporate identity number (XXXXXX-XXXX).
  • 3. Postal address of the controller
    Please enter the postal address, not the visiting address.
  • Please enter the organisation's internal reference number for the data breach.
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      • 15a. When did the data breach cease?
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      • Please select the most relevant option.
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      • 19. What may be the consequences of the data breach?
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      • Assess how serious the breach is with regard to the data subjects’ privacy.
      • 21. How have you acted after the data breach? Describe the measures you have taken or proposed to rectify the personal data breach.
        Describe the action taken. Have you taken measures, or do you intend to take measures in order to solve problems, prevent or mitigate the effects of the data breach?
        • 23a. When did you inform the data subjects?
        • 23c. When will you inform the data subjects?
        • 23d. On what grounds are you not going to inform the data subjects?
        • 27. Which categories of data subjects are concerned?
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        • 28. What categories of personal data have been affected by the data breach?
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